When: Saturday, February 11th, 2017
Where: Cedar Ridge Elementary School (2808 Breezewood Blvd, Bloomington)
5 Sections:
K-5, 5 rounds, G/30; Jr. High, 4 rounds, G/45 (both with 5 second delay)
- K-3 Under 350
- K-3 Over 350
- 4-5 Under 350
- 4-5 Over 350
- Jr. High
Official ratings will be used for this tournament using the February Rating Supplement from the USCF (which reflect what each child’s rating was following the MLK tournament in January). Of course, children may ‘play up’ to a higher rating class or grade level if desired.
Entry Fee: $15.00 (USCF membership required, JTP acceptable for K-3)
Entry deadline: Extended until 2:00 pm, Friday February 10, or 250 participants (www.bnasc.org)
Registration (coaches only): Check in and all changes are due by 8:30 AM. You must be checked in by 8:30 AM or you will not be paired for the first round.
See who is registered by clicking here.
Registration is open!
Starting Time: First round will start at 9:00 AM with subsequent rounds to follow as soon as possible. Awards presented ASAP.
Top 5 Teams in each section (Top 3 Junior High)
Top 10 Individuals in each section
Class trophies in each section
- K-3 Under 350 – Top Unrated, 100-199
- K-3 Over 350 – Top 350-499
- 4-5 Under 350 – Top Unrated, 100-199
- 4-5 Over 350 – Top 350-499, 500-699
- Junior High – Top Under 400 (including Unrated), 400-699, 700-999
Participation trophies for all K-1 not receiving another trophy!!
Food Service: Breakfast items, Gondolas, Pizza, samosas,
GoGurt, snacks, and beverages will be available.
Questions or for more information: Please email Ben Lee
at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Day of Tournament Phone: 309-826-2893 or 661-316-8410